Michigan India Community Blog

A Community Resource for Indians in Michigan

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Asian Food Imports in Windsor, Ontario

The other day I went across to Windsor, Ontario to do some Diwali (mithai and samosa) shopping at Asian Food Imports. It's been a while since I visited this store.

Encountered some extremely nice folks working at the store. Very helpful. I had initially called them for a ridiculously huge number of samosas which they did'nt agree to over the phone. But once at the store I put up a sorry face and again requested for about 50 samosas (as opposed to 25 which they said over the phone). Hey it worked and they sold it to me. Next time though it won't work. You'll don't try it.

While at the store a lady walked in complaining about the wheat flour which she purchased couple of weeks ago. Also she did not have any reciept. No questions were asked, they promptly exchanged it.

Do visit the store located at 275 Wyandotte West, Windsor, ON Canada N9A 5X1 (map).
Phone Number: US Line (313-963-2650)
Windsor (519-253-9147)

Their mithai was excellent!!!


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